Dave's Archive > Standing Ledger Desk

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Standing Desk
Hand made and signed by 'F&A Dawson,' probably around turn of the century.

I bought this six foot long desk in Minneapolis where it was on consignment at an antique shop. The owner, an artist, had used it for 35 years. Before that, she said, it had been used at a bank in Graceville, Minnesota - pretty close to the border with North and South Dakota (it in fact still has an old circuit relay block underneath, possibly an alarm).

I know that Sears sold similar desks from its catalog and have also seen fancier and longer versions, an eight-footer in the Sierras and one ten-footer in Texas that was used at the Cotton exchange. This desk has drawers, but is also grooved on top, so it seems like at some point the top lifted open on hinges.

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