Dave's Archive > Globe-Wernicke Lawyer's Bookcase

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Lawyer's Bookcase
Circa 1920s/30s, Globe-Wernicke Co., Cincinnati, OH.

This walnut bookcase was Papa's, and one of his original law books from the 1930s is still in it. You see alot of these around - Globe-Wernicke was the leading maker (in the early 1900s) but there is not much info on the web about them.

The bookcase is made of Walnut - I didn't notice the 'Walnut' stickers until the moving guy from Mayflower movers, with a thick Boston accent, told me it was Walnut and not to do anything to it. This is the same guy who refused to drive his 18-wheeler up the hill for fear of getting stuck in San Francisco. The case also has a marking inside which says 'Catalog No. 809' and 'Finish No. 4098 1/2.'

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